Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Century Turn

A Century Turns, written by William Bennet, has the subtitle: “New Hopes, New Fears” on it. In today’s modern world of convenience, we can flip on the TV to see just about anything we want. We can bypass all the negative news straight to the night time comedy shows or live in our never ending drama filled sagas found in one of the many soap operas. But you would have to try really hard to totally miss out on what America is about these days. We are all feeling the economic crunch on our wallets. We see the cultural battles found in our own country. We even have issues of who is allowed to be in our country. All in all the U.S. is still a great place to live. But we are faced with many things…New hopes. And New fears. This book gives a detailed history of the past century in this great country, explaining how we got to be where we are today. Bennet has hands on experience that gives the book a credibility you can trust. You get a sense of the ins and outs of the political scene while seeing some of our leaders at their best, and at their worst. I highly recommend this book to anyone, voting with any party, as an informative read and if all else fails, it will bring up a discussion far better than one about your daily soap stars.