Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Power of Respect

So I am doing something pretty cool, at least I think so.... I review books for Thomas Nelson and the deal is I get free books if I post here is my first one - and a good one it is!!

The Power of Respect by Deborah Norville I have just finished reading The Power of Respect and not only could I not put it down, it has left me to think about the way our world is – lacking so much respect. The author Deborah Norville points out time and time again, while using many eye-opening statistics to back up her ideas, the sad state of our nation in this important area of everyday life that affects every person that has any contact with other humans. The shocking reports of the younger generation showing less and less respect seems to lead to more problems than we may think.

As a parent I am so thankful I found this book when I did, not only to learn how to teach our son the proper ways to show respect, but I find that I have ways I too need to grow in this area. As Norville points out, you can treat people with respect because it is the right thing to do, but it will pay you back in ways unexpected. I highly recommend this to anyone who is a parent, spouse, teacher, leader, businessperson and/or simply a person who interacts with others on a daily basis. We fall so short, but there is a simple solution: The Power or Respect.